What type of oversight does Bis-Man Transit have?
There was concern that the funding for the bus system is being mismanaged. Bis-Man Transit's operations are overseen by an Executive Director who directly reports to a Board of nine Directors. The Executive Director and Board maintain frequent and open communications with the City of Bismarck, the Metropolitan Planning Organization, the North Dakota Department of Transportation, and the Federal Transit Administration. Any capital purchase over $25,000 must be approved by the Bismarck City Commission. Any substantial service change or fare increase must be presented at a series of public hearings and meetings and approved by the Bismarck City Commission.
Bis-Man Transit undergoes a full audit annually. For the last four years, these audits have had zero findings, indicating all accounting practices are being followed, all funding is being spent on approved purchases, and proper records are being maintained. Every penny is accounted for. Monthly expenses are reviewed by the City of Bismarck Finance Department to ensure compliance. The Federal Transit Administration completes a Triennial Review of the business every three years. This review includes everything from procurement to Title VI to Drug and Alcohol Policies. The most recent review was completed in April of 2024, with extremely positive results. The full report will be published this summer. Lastly, the North Dakota Department of Transportation completes a full review of the business every three years. This review will take place in June of 2024.
As Bis-Man Transit is a non-profit organization, everything we do is subject to open records. If you aren't interested in requesting specific documents, the Bis-Man Transit Board of Directors meets monthly. These meetings are open to the public and can be attended either in person or virtually. Agendas and previous minutes can be found at bismantransit.com.
The issue is not the mismanagement of funds but the lack of funding to support the service. Inflation has significantly increased the annual bus service cost, while federal, state, and local funding has remained relatively stagnant.