
What is a reasonable modification?

A reasonable modification is a change or exception to a policy, practice, or procedure which allows people with disabilities to have equal access to programs, services and activities. Reasonable modifications must always be related to the individual's disability.

What is the process for requests?

Whenever possible, requests for reasonable modifications shall be made and determined in advance. An advance request for reasonable modification can be sent to:

  • Mail: Print the Reasonable Modifications Request Form, complete and mail to:

    Bis-Man Transit
    3750 East Rosser Ave
    Bismarck, ND 58501

  • Telephone: 701.258.6817
  • Email: info@bismantransit.com

  • The request shall include:

    • Your contact information;
    • A description of what you need in order to use a Bis-Man Transit service;
    • What changes or modifications you believe would be necessary to provide you full access to Bis-Man Transit's services.

    Bis-Man Transit will use its best efforts to make a response as soon as practical. In some instances, additional information will be necessary to process the request. Please ensure your contact information is included with your request.

    What is the process for making on the spot requests?

    Bis-Man Transit understands it may not be possible for a reasonable modification request to be made and determined in advance. In these instances, please request a reasonable modification with a Bis-Man Transit operator at the time of issue. A response to an on the spot request will
    be made at the time of the request. Responses to on the spot requests can include: granting the request, denying the request, or referring the passenger to Bis-Man Transit management for further processing. Operators will generally seek assistance from Bis-Man Transit management during these instances via the two-way radio.

    For what reasons may Bis-Man Transit deny a reasonable modification request?

    Bis-Man Transit may deny a reasonable modification request, whether made in advance or on the spot, for the following reasons:

    • Granting the request would fundamentally alter the nature of Bis-Man Transit's services, programs or activities;
    • Granting the request would create a direct threat to the health or safety of others;
    • The individual with a disability is able to fully use the entity's services, programs, or activities for their intended purpose without the need of a modification; and/or
    • Granting the request would cause Bis-Man Transit undue financial or administrative burden.

    If a request is denied, Bis-Man Transit will act to the maximum extent possible to ensure the individual receives Bis-Man Transit's services or benefits.

    What are examples of reasonable modifications Bis-Man Transit generally will grant?

    Bis-Man Transit will generally grant the following reasonable modification requests for individuals with disabilities:

    • A request from a passenger whom has diabetes (or another medical condition) to eat or drink aboard a vehicle in order to avoid adverse health consequences so long as the drink is in a spill proof container and the food is a small snack that cannot cause any spills;
    • A request for transit personnel to handle fare media when the passenger with a disability cannot pay the fare by the generally established means; for instance, when the passenger cannot reach or insert a fare into the fare box themselves;
    • A request from a wheelchair user to board a vehicle separately from his or her device (if the individual is capable of doing so) when the occupied weight of the device exceeds the design load of the vehicle lift.

    This list of examples is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Passengers with disabilities are encouraged to contact Bis-Man Transit with specific reasonable modification requests.

It is Bis-Man Transit's goal to operate a safe, efficient, and effective transportation system that provides mobility and accessibility to persons with disabilities.

The request should be as specific as possible and include information on why the requested modification is needed in order to allow the individual to use Bis-Man Transit services. Bis-Man Transit will make every effort to communicate determinations on requests for modifications in advance of when the service will be needed verbally or in writing.

There are several ways to request a modification/accommodation form pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • Access the form online: Complete and submit the Reasonable Modification Request Form
  • Mail: Complete the Reasonable Modification Request Form, print it and mail to: Bis-Man Transit, Attention Mike Mundahl, 3750 East Rosser Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501
  • Fax: Complete the Reasonable Modification Request Form, print it and fax to 701.258.6752
  • Pick up a form: Bis-Man Transit, 3750 East Rosser Ave, Bismarck, ND 58501
  • Email: Email Mike Mundahl; Marketing & Mobility Specialist at info@bismantransit.com

To obtain information about procedures and/or how to file a complaint, contact Mike Mundahl; Marketing & Mobility Specialist by one of the methods listed below:

Reasonable Modifications requests will be processed in the following manner:

All requests will be logged into a Reasonable Modification/Accommodation spreadsheet noting the requester's name, date, contact information, specific modification request, outcome, and requester date of notification.

Individuals requesting modifications will be asked to supply sufficient detail within the request so that agency staff may effectively evaluate the request. Individuals are not required to use the term "reasonable modification" when requesting modifications or accommodations.

All requests for modifications (reasonable or otherwise) will be reviewed and evaluated by the Bis-Man Transit administrative staff.

All reasonable modification requests will be acknowledged within three (3) business days of receipt. The resolution and response to the requestor will be made timely, within fifteen (15) business days and the response must explain the reasons for the resolution. The response must be documented in the Reasonable Modification/Accommodation log.

Any requests requiring more than fifteen (15) business days to resolve must be reviewed at the Board of Directors level and documented as to why the resolution requires additional time to be completed.

Bis-Man Transit is committed to providing you with safe and reliable transportation services and we want your feedback. Please use this form for suggestions, compliments, and complaints. You may also call us at 701.258.6817, visit the Bis-Man Transit facility at 3750 East Rosser Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58501, or contact us by email or U.S. postal mail at the addresses below. Please make sure to provide us with your contact information in order to receive a response.

Bis-Man Transit
3750 East Rosser Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501

To download a copy of the Bis-Man Transit Reasonable Modifications Request Form, click here.