
Public Comment Period Begins for Proposed C-2 Route Change

A public comment period is ongoing to give citizens and officials of Bismarck and Mandan an opportunity to comment on a proposed change to one of the Capital Area Transit (CAT) fixed routes in Bismarck.

The proposed change will eliminate redundancies within the C-2 route serving northeast Bismarck, while providing increased service area for portions of Centennial Road, Knudsen Avenue and Nebraska Drive.

The proposed route change will result in a net increase of approximately one mile in the route.
The public comment period for the proposed changes will begin on March 6, 2015, and conclude at 5 p.m. on March 23, 2015. The Bismarck Board of City Commissioners will then hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 24, at 5:15 p.m. as part of the regular Bismarck City Commission Meeting. The Bismarck City Commission meeting and public hearing will be held in the Tom Baker Meeting Room, City-County Office Building, 221 N. 5th Street, in Bismarck.

For those desiring to comment on the C-2 route change, but are unable to attend the public hearing, please submit all written comments to Bis-Man Transit, 3750 East Rosser Avenue, Bismarck, ND, 58501, no later than 5 p.m. on March 23, 2015. Written comments should be directed to Kalen Ost and faxed to 701-258-6752, mailed to the above address, or emailed to kaleno.bisman@midconetwork.com. This correspondence should be specifically identified as “Route C-2 Fixed-Route Change”.

Pursuant to the provisions within the Policy for CAT Fare and Service Changes, the City of Bismarck must solicit and consider public comment before implementing significant changes to the fixed-route service. The public includes all residents within the service area, not exclusively citizens of Bismarck, although the public hearing dates are set in conjunction with Bismarck City Commission meetings as proposed fixed-route changes require approval from only the Bismarck Board of City Commissioners.

The Metropolitan Planning Organization participation process is being followed with this notice. For individuals requiring special needs related, but not limited to, hearing or visual impairment, or language interpretive services, please contact MPO staff a minimum of five (5) days prior to the meeting at 701-355-1840.