
The CAT Bus to Offer Free Rides

The CAT Bus (Capital Area Transit) will be holding their fourth annual free ride days Friday October 28 and Saturday October 29 to celebrate Halloween and show appreciation for the Bismarck and Mandan community support of public transportation.

Rides on the CAT Buses will be free for everyone both days. CAT Buses start running between 6:00 am and 6:30 am and end between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm. People can catch the CAT Bus on any safe corner along a route by waving their hand when they see the bus approaching. Places to pick up route maps are listed on www.thecatbus.com and include on the buses, at the Kirkwood Mall north entrance and at local supermarket service counters. Downloadable versions of the map can also be found on the website.

Riders can call the CAT Bus office Monday-Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm if they would like to know where the closest corner to their starting point is or if they would like more information about how to use the Bismarck/Mandan city bus system. A trip planning feature and instructions on “Catching the CAT” can be found at www.thecatbus.com under the “How to Ride” tab.